Este blog tiene como finalidad dar a conocer a Guatapé como un pueblo turístico lleno de atracciones y diversión a través de la creación de guías ,desde su fecha de fundación hasta los sitios de mayor interés potencial para aquellos turistas que busquen no sólo diversión sino también nuevos aires de cultura .Damos paso a la creación de un nuevo espacio para aquellas personas que tienen la tentativa de ir a este bello lugar , este espacio le mostrará varios sitios turísticos , DISFRUTE.
jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010
viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010
Fotografías de Guatapé/ Guatapé photos
This blog is intended to inform Guatapé as a tourist town full of attractions and entertainment through the creation of guides, since its founding date to sites of potential interest for those tourists who seek not only fun but also new air of culture. We step to the creation of a new space for those who have attempted to go to this beautiful place, this space will show various tourist sites, ENJOY.
Guatapé generator is a municipal tourism thanks to the many attractions that it can find great opportunities to be found there for customer satisfaction and comfort you are looking for a site which is easily accessible (transportation), hotel route, arts / culture, diversity, tourist attractions, Guatapé has all these possibilities and increases the expectation that good looks in the cluster, as shown and ensures the stability of these factors which grow for development and new business venture by these events. The city has many nicknames given its explosive economic development, especially tourism, from the famous "Dam-Guatapé Peñol" within its territory and most of Colombia. Among the nicknames is heard saying "Haven of Peace", "Heart of Eastern Antioquia", "Antioquia Inland Sea." This small collage can be seen several photographs showing the stone Penol, representative sockets, aerial views of the reservoir and stone, the street known as the axis of the memory architecture of Antioquia and the world, water sports are practiced here and the main church.

Guatapé es un municipio generador de turismo gracias a las diversas atracciones que en él se encuentran las grandes posibilidades que se pueden encontrar allí para la satisfacción y comodidad del cliente que busca un sitio en el cual se encuentre fácil acceso (transporte),ruta hotelera , arte/cultura , diversidad , atractivos turísticos, Guatapé cuenta con todas estas posibilidades y acrecienta la buena expectativa que se busca en el clúster , puesto que muestra y garantiza la estabilidad de estos factores los cuales crecen para el desarrollo y emprendimiento de nuevos negocios gracias a estos sucesos . El municipio posee muchos apelativos dado su explosivo desarrollo económico, especialmente turístico, a partir del conocido "Embalse Peñol-Guatapé", situada en su territorio y la mayor de Colombia. Entre los apelativos se escucha decir "Remanso de Paz", "Corazón del Oriente Antioqueño", "Mar Interior de Antioquia".En este pequeño collage pueden apreciarse varias fotografías donde se muestra la piedra del peñol , los zócalos representativos , vistas aéreas del embalse y de la piedra , la calle del recuerdo reconocida como eje arquitectónico de Antioquia y del mundo ,deportes acuáticos que se practican allí y la iglesia principal.
Guatapé generator is a municipal tourism thanks to the many attractions that it can find great opportunities to be found there for customer satisfaction and comfort you are looking for a site which is easily accessible (transportation), hotel route, arts / culture, diversity, tourist attractions, Guatapé has all these possibilities and increases the expectation that good looks in the cluster, as shown and ensures the stability of these factors which grow for development and new business venture by these events. The city has many nicknames given its explosive economic development, especially tourism, from the famous "Dam-Guatapé Peñol" within its territory and most of Colombia. Among the nicknames is heard saying "Haven of Peace", "Heart of Eastern Antioquia", "Antioquia Inland Sea." This small collage can be seen several photographs showing the stone Penol, representative sockets, aerial views of the reservoir and stone, the street known as the axis of the memory architecture of Antioquia and the world, water sports are practiced here and the main church.
Guía estructural , restaurantes/ estructural guide restaurants
Directorio | |
Restaurantes | El establo parrilla bar CL 32 CON AVENIDA EL MALECON /Tel. 8610 893 |
El mesón de mi abuela Calle 32 No. 25 27 Tel. 8610 494 | |
El portal Calle 32 No. 22 39 Tel. 8610 880 | |
El portón de antaño Carrera 30 No. 30 26 Tel. 8610 175 | |
Kiskiriski Calle 32 No. 27 -31 Tel. 8610 426 | |
Mi casita Calle 32 No. 26 27 Tel. 8610 464 | |
Vaso e leche Calle 32 No. 26 35 Tel. 8610 622 |
jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010
Guía estructural , hospedaje /structural guide hotels
Directorio | ||||
Hospedaje | Cabañas piramidal (vereda el roble) Tel . 8610858 | Hotel/restaurante el castillo (calle 30 # 30·41 Tel.8610461 | ||
Cabañas la mona (vereda la piedra) Tel.8610813 | Hotel campestre bahía del peñón (Guatapé) Tel.8611099 | |||
Castillos del lago (Guatapé) Tel.8610881 | Hotel el descanso del arriero Calle 30# 28·84 Tel.8610878 | |||
Hospedaje campo alegre (el roble) Tel.8610554 | Hotel el faro (Cr 26 # 31·32 /101) Tel.8610680 | |||
Hospedaje familiar (Guatapé) Tel. 8610554 | Hotel la aldea (calle 32 # 29·25) Tel.3164825276 | |||
Hospedaje el sol (los lagos) Tel.8610798 | Hotel la posada(el malecón) Tel. 8611202 | |||
Hosteria los recuerdos (1 km antes de llegar a Guatapé) Tel.8610650 | Los lagos de Guatapé Tel. 8610318 |
Fiestas para no perderse en Guatapé/Do not miss the festivities in Guatapé
- Carnaval de fin de año que se celebra el 31 de diciembre de cada año
- Eventos culturales :
- En honor de la Patrona de nuestra comunidad la Virgen del Carmén, en esta fecha se reivindica la ferviente piedad. Se realiza la segunda semana del mes de Julio, la consagración de Guatapé hacia la Virgen de Carmen se hizo desde la fundación en 1811 por Don Francisco Giraldo Jiménez.
En estas fiestas también se programan actividades alternas que van desde cabalgatas, eventos artísticos y verbena popular.
El día jueves, séptimo día de la novena se inician las cuarenta horas con celebraciones Eucarísticas; el día viernes se realiza un desfile con la imagen de la Patrona por las principales calles de la zona urbana, acompañada de un gran número de automotores, este finaliza con demostración de juegos pirotécnicos. El sábado se hace procesión por el embalse en ella se lleva a la Virgen acompañada por un grupo de lancheros, banda municipal y comunidad en general. A la altura del puente La Culebra es recibida por una cabalgata continuando por tierra hasta la plaza principal. En la noche se realizan la exhibición de juegos pirotécnicos. Finalizando el domingo con procesión y Santa Misa.
Semana Santa en vivo
Desde hace más de cincuenta años así se hace en Guatapé. Representación, actos y pasajes bíblicos en vivo. Las diferentes representaciones ya hacen parte de la tradición familiar.
Este evento es programado y organizado por la parroquia, se celebra todos los años entre los meses de Marzo y Abril. Se da inicio con la procesión del Domingo de ramos, realizada por las principales calles del municipio y finalizando con la celebración de la eucaristía. Los días lunes, martes y miércoles se llevan a cabo retiros espirituales y celebraciones Eucarísticas. Los días Jueves, Viernes y Sábado santo son los días más importantes de la festividad, en ellos se conmemora la pasión y muerte de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, festividad realizada en vivo. El Domingo se culmina con la procesión de Resurrección y Santa Misa.
Jornadas Navideñas
Corresponden a la novena de aguinaldos.
Actores: Toda la comunidad de manera sectorizada. Espacio para el teatro, las artes populares, la oración, la lúdica y la diversión. Además se convierten en motivación y preparación para la fiesta de la noche buena y la natividad. Son espacios para fortalecer la unidad con el compartir cultural.
Mercados de los jueves
Vísperas de primer viernes de mes (En la plaza).
Todo un día de comercio y de intercambio al estilo del "mercado de las pulgas"
Práctica comunitaria del intercambio y comercialización de telas, zapatos, artículos de hogar y personal, mercado del agáchese montado por venteros de otros municipios. Encuentro con otras comunidades (Vendedores y gente del área rural).
La fiesta de la Familia el 24 de Diciembre
Integra la comunidad por sectores entorno a la planeación, realización y disfrute del almuerzo, la Natilla y los buñuelos, hecho y compartido en la calle por todos, coordinado por empleados de la administración y líderes de los sectores.
Las fiestas del Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar en el mes de Octubre
Integra eventos y acciones planeados entre docentes y estudiantes poniendo a prueba la creatividad y la lúdica cultural.
Fiestas de Fin de Año
Festividad de carácter popular y espontánea, se celebra desde hace 22 años el día 31 de diciembre de cada año, organizada por la comunidad local con el apoyo de las instituciones y algunos comerciantes. Es un desfile multicolor que se realiza por las principales calles del municipio acompañado de comparsas, carrozas, bandas musicales y grupos de danza donde de manera muy alegre se recrea el acontecer de la vida Municipal, Regional y Nacional, además de realizarse un sainete sobre la despedida del año viejo. Para dar por terminado el desfile se hace un tablado popular en la plaza principal con orquesta.
Sitos emblemáticos de guatapé/Guatape emblematic sites
•El Embalse con su archipiélago y sus innumerables bahías y penínsulas nos ponen en el ambiente de un “mar interior” con todos los atractivos náuticos.
•El parque la culebra, convertido en una fiesta para el deleite cuidando la naturaleza.
•El pueblo en su conjunto con su característica arquitectónica cargada de zócalos y colores evocadores.
•El malecón con sus zonas verdes, restaurantes, estaderos y hoteles, nos ponen en el ambiente de una “Cartagenita Paisa”
•La plaza nos evoca épocas de ayer y nos inspira un presente tranquilo.
•La calle del recuerdo, replica de las calles inundadas, nos deleita con un mosaico de zócalos tradicionales que le dan su nombre “Calle del Recuerdo”
•La unidad deportiva y cultural, ubicada en el corazón del pueblo, nos invita a la práctica de los deportes, el esparcimiento y el entrar en contacto con las manifestaciones culturales.
•El Centro Integrado de la Cultura, espacio que integra los servicios culturales y educativos, desde Coliseo, biblioteca, oficinas, teatro y medios de comunicación.
•El museo histórico, ubicado en la Calle del Recuerdo; es grande de sentimientos y evocación de los procesos en la construcción de este Pueblo.
•El templo Parroquial y la Casa Cural con todos sus atractivos, es todo un deleite de contemplación.
•El hospital, bellamente remodelado, nos invita a nuevas reflexiones en torno a la salud.
•El colegio y la casa de las Hermanas de Santa Ana, son espacios dignos de contemplación.
•Alto Verde, mirador por excelencia, nos recuerda la historia de los antepasados.
•El Parque el Cristalino y Presas de la Quebrada la Ceja, sitios ubicados hacia la parte alta de dicha quebrada, nos ponen en contacto con el disfrute de la naturaleza y nos hacen reflexionar sobre los impactos que las obras ejecutadas por el hombre pueden ocasionar al ambiente.
•El Aula Ambiental, ubicada en la escuela del Paraíso, Bloque “A” del Colegio, nos habla de la importancia de la relación que el hombre debe tener consigo mismo, con el entorno, y con el cosmos.
•Bosques de Santa Rita y el Rosario, especies autóctonas de palmas y otras variedades que allí abundan, por ser esta zona la segunda más lluviosa de Colombia, la convierten en un lugar de estudio biológico y características especiales.
•Son también ya conocidas y de atracción turística, las fiestas de final de año con el desfile del año viejo, la Semana Santa en vivo y las fiestas patronales.
-The stone and its surroundings.-Reservoir with its countless islands and bays and peninsulas in the environment we put an "inland sea" with all the water attractions.-The snake park, become a party to the delight caring nature.-The people as a whole with its distinctive architectural loaded sockets and evocative colors.-The waterfront with its parks, restaurants, motels and hotels, we put in the atmosphere of a "Cartagenita Paisa"-The square evokes times past and inspires us to this quiet.-Memory Lane, a replica of the flooded streets, delights us with a mosaic of traditional sockets that give it its name "Memory Lane"-Sporting and cultural unit, located in the heart of the village, invites us to practice sports, entertainment and contact with cultural events.-The Integrated Cultural Centre, a space that integrates the cultural and educational services, from Colosseum, library, offices, theater and media.-Historical Museum, located in Memory Lane, is of great feelings and recall processes in the construction of this Village.-The parish church and the rectory with all its attractions, is a delight of contemplation.-The hospital, beautifully remodeled, he invites us to new reflections on health.-The school and the house of the Sisters of Santa Ana, are places worthy of contemplation.-High Green, gazebo for excellence, we remember the story of the ancestors.-Park and the Crystal Prize of the Quebrada La Ceja, sites located towards the top of the ravine, we come in contact with the enjoyment of nature and make us reflect on the impact that the works carried out by humans can cause to the environment .-The Environmental Classroom, located in the school of Paradise, Block "A" of the College, speaks of the importance of the relationship the man must himself, with the environment, and the cosmos.-Forests of Santa Rita and El Rosario, native species of palms and other varieties that abound there, as this is the second most rainy area of Colombia, make it a place to study biological and special features.They are also known and tourist attraction, the year-end festivities with the parade of the old year, Holy Week and the festivities live.
No se puede ir de Guatapé sin visitar .../can not go without visiting Guatape...
Desde tiempos inmemorables los guatapenses le imprimieron a la fachada de sus construcciones un sello indeleble y contundente, entre ellos están imágenes como el cordero, primer zócalo que mirando hacia atrás representa el pasado, pero caminando hacia el futuro.
Es el elemento de decoración arquitectónica más típica y destacada. Estos zócalos tiene estilo colonial, decoración española y adornos religiosos empleados en Rusia.
Esta expresión se fue dispersando y tomó tanta fuerza que le mereció a Guatapé el titulo de “Pueblo de Zócalos”, hoy se cuenta con más de 50 diseños diferentes, entre ellos la paloma de la paz, cuando llegó el embalse aparecieron veleros, barcos, lanchas, surgen diseños de la piedra cuando la población toma conciencia de su pertenencia, entre otros.
Mediante el acuerdo No 01 de Marzo de 1991 se dictaron normas tendientes a la conservación de los zócalos; adoptándolos como características de la identidad de Guatapé. Están realizados en material acabado de cemento con relieve decorativo y color fuerte, preferiblemente el esmalte; se prohibe eliminar zócalos existentes o pintarlo del mismo color de la fachada.

- Vía a las Palmas: Con una distancia aproximada de 84Km con un paisaje natural
- Vía Santa Elena: Posee aproximadamente 79 Km. de recorrido
- Autopista Medellín Bogotá: Nos ofrece un recorrido de 73Km aproximadamente, por un paisaje semi industrial.
El Parque la Culebra posee un área aproximada de 75.000 metros cuadrados, consta de dos penínsulas denominadas la Culebra (34.000 metros cuadrados y la viborita 32.000 metros cuadrados) en ellos encontramos lo siguiente:
En la península la culebra encontramos:
• Parqueadero para 60 vehículos aproximadamente
• Cancha de Tejo
• Taquilla de control ingreso (portería)
• Bloque Administrativo (tres oficinas, 1 bodega papelería, cocineta, y tres unidades sanitarias)
• Muelle para ofrecer servicios náuticos
• Cafetería
• Restaurante con una capacidad para 60 personas aproximadamente
• Vivero, propagación y venta de jardín
• Planta de agua
• Batería sanitaria (damas, caballeros y un baño para discapacitados) 4 en total, 14 unidades sanitarias
• Vestier para empleados
• Bodega de pintura y taller
• Bodega de mascotas y sillas
• Bodega almacén
• Bodega de insumos
• Auditorio al aire libre para 150 personas aproximadamente
• Auditorio bajo techo con capacidad de 25 personas
• Zona de televisión con capacidad para 25 personas
• Cancha de Microfútbol
• 22 kioscos con capacidad para 8 ó 10 personas
• Asaderos 8 (cada uno tiene leña disponible y hornilla)
• Muelles para pesca 6 (son los únicos lugares recomendados para que nuestros usuarios accedan a la pesca)
• Barcos encallados 5 (su función es servir como punto de observación)
• Zona de picnic (este lugar es el área de guma y la aldea)
Península de la Viborita área de reserva natural, en este lugar encontramos los siguientes puntos de interés
• Bloques sanitarios 3 (damas y caballeros) en total son 12 unidades sanitarias
• Kioscos 14 con capacidad para 8 ó 10 personas cada uno.
• Zona de camping con capacidad para 10 carpas y 60 personas aproximadamente)
• Area de la huerta biológica (hortalizas y lombricultura con un área de 4º metros cuadrados
• Area de la huerta aromática (aproximadamente 40 metros cuadrados
• Parqueadero para 10 vehículos aproximadamente
Ambas penínsulas están unidas por un puente peatonal
Toda la extensión del parque esta surcada por senderos peatonales, donde el usuario puede disfrutar de un día ecológico y a la vez divisar sitios tales como El Peñón de Guatapé, el Embalse, etc.
En la parte ecológica y de ambientación se puede admirar gran cantidad de jardín, árboles frutales y la gran variedad de pájaros que nos visitan, para lo cual se han acondicionado comederos o cebaderos.
Acceso restringido. Su horario de servicio es de lunes a sábado de 8:00AM A 5:00PM y los domingos de 9:00AM a 6:00PM
En 1985 según el acuerdo No 10 del INDERENA y aprobado por el Gobierno Nacional, se declaró el Embalse como “Distrito de Manejo Integrado y Area de Recreación “.
Central Hidroeléctrica de Guatapé
Obra civil ubicada en el sector de la Araña, en jurisdicción del municipio de San Rafael a 16km. del municipio de Guatapé; cuenta con 8 generadores de energía de 7.000kw cada uno, el ingreso se hace a través de un túnel de 1980 metros de longitud. Para ingresar allí se debe solicitar un permiso ante Empresas Públicas de Medellín.
La más grande despensa de generación eléctrica del país.
Antecedentes Históricos
La obra se desarrolló en dos etapas de características similares en su captación, generación y transmisión, la primera de las cuales se inició en el año de 1964 con las obras de infraestructura y se concluyó en 1971, cuando entraron en servicio las primeras unidades. La segunda etapa se inició en 1973 y se terminó en 1979.
La central Hidroeléctrica de Guatapé utiliza el río Nare que se desvía al río Guatapé para aprovechar una diferencia de nivel de 810 metros entre las cuencas, pasa luego al pozo vertical y de allí al túnel de conducción para descender luego hasta la casa de máquinas a través de la tubería de presión. Esta tubería va libre dentro de la galería y sirve además como salida de emergencia y vía para suministro de aire a la central.
La casa de máquinas está situada a 650 metros de profundidad y se llega a ella a través de un túnel de 1980 metros de longitud, el cual permite el paso de vehículos. Una vez el agua ha sido utilizada para generar la energía, sale al río Guatapé a través del túnel de descarga de 4600mts de longitud.
La energía que se genera en esta central se conduce por líneas de alta tensión para el área Metropolitana de Medellín, para el sistema interconectado colombiano y para el Magdalena Medio. La presa tiene 1200mts de longitud, un volumen de cuatro millones de metros cúbicos y una altura de 53mts sobre el lecho del río.
El sistema de interconexión eléctrica S.A. une los centros generadores de Cundinamarca, Valle, el viejo Caldas y Antioquia.
Torres de Captación
Construcción artificial dentro del embalse. Son dos moles construidas en material, las cuales comunican el embalse con la central hidroeléctrica de la Araña, para procesar la energía.
Desde allí el agua es conducida por túneles a una casa de máquinas subterránea cerca de la confluencia del Río el Bizcocho con el río Guatapé al Oriente de este municipio, la energía generada es distribuida por líneas de alta tensión que cruzan el municipio.
Ubicadas cerca de las desembocaduras de las Quebradas el Rosario, y quebrada Larga, en el municipio de Guatapé.
The socket is a decoration in concrete located on the bottom front of the houses and in doorways; 1mt measure between 70cm and also to protect the wall from moisture and wear, have been used to communicate, by figures in high relief, forms of expression and creativity with special meaning. Are the traces of the history of a community that prints their religious sentiments, civic and family.
Since time immemorial, guatapenses immigrants provided the facade of their buildings and striking an indelible stamp, they include images such as lamb, first base is looking back the past, but walking into the future.
Is the element most typical architectural decoration and outstanding. These sockets have a colonial style décor and Spanish religious motifs used in Russia.
This expression was dispersed and took so much strength that earned her the title Guatapé "People of sockets, now has more than 50 different designs, including a dove of peace, when he appeared reservoir sailboats, ships, boats, stone designs arise when people become aware of their membership, among others.
Under the agreement No 1 March 1991 regulations were issued related to the conservation of the sockets, adopting them as features of the identity of Guatapé. They are made of cement material finish and brightly colored decorative relief, preferably enamel, it may not remove existing paint baseboards the same color of the facade.
The Snake Park was created from the construction of the dam in the 70's, with a capacity of 1,200 million cubic meters of water. The park has a height above sea level of 1925m and an average temperature of 18 º C, is located in eastern Antioquia, the snake village, 2 km. before reaching the City of Guatapé. One of the great strengths that have the park roads are as follows:
- Road to Las Palmas: With a distance of about 84km with a natural landscape
- Via Santa Elena, owns approximately 79 km long
- Autopista Medellin Bogota: We offer a tour of about 73km for a semi-industrial landscape.
The Snake Park has an approximate area of 75,000 square meters, consists of two peninsulas called the Culebra (34,000 square meters and 32,000 square meters snake) in them we find:
In the peninsula the snake found:
Parking for 60 vehicles approximately
shuffleboard court
Box office admission control (goal)
Administrative Block (three offices, 1 storage stationery, kitchen, and three medical units)
Spring to provide water services
Restaurant with a capacity for 60 people
Nursery propagation and sale of garden
Water Plant
Battery health (men, women and disabled bathroom) 4 in total, 14 health units
dressing room for employees
Warehouse and workshop painting
Pet Warehouse and chairs
Warehouse stock
Bodega input
outdoor auditorium for 150 people about
indoor auditorium with capacity for 25 people
TV area with capacity for 25 people
Indoor Microfútbol
22 kiosks for 8 or 10 people
broiler 8 (each has available wood burner)
fishing pier 6 (are the only places recommended for our users access to fishing)
Boats stranded 5 (its function is to serve as an observation)
Picnic area (this place is the area and the village guma)
Viborita peninsula nature reserve area, in this place we find the following points of interest
health Blocks 3 (ladies and gentlemen) in total there are 12 health units
14 Kiosks for 8 or 10 people each.
camping area for 10 tents and 60 people)
Area of biological garden (vegetables and worm with an area of 4 square meters º
Area of aromatic garden (about 40 square meters
Parking for 10 vehicles approximately
Both peninsulas are linked by a pedestrian bridge
The entire expanse of the park is crisscrossed by walking trails, where the user can enjoy a day while sight ecological sites such as The Rock of Guatapé, Dam, etc.
In the ecological and atmosphere you can admire a lot of garden, fruit trees and a variety of birds that visit us, for which they have been conditioned feeding or feedlot.
Access restricted. Its hours are Monday through Saturday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sunday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
The reservoir Its construction caused a total change in the economy guatapenses therefore shifted from farming and ranching to tourism. In the reservoir you can fish for trout, tilapia and carp. Additionally there is practiced all kinds of water sports using the piers and marinas located on the banks of the reservoir mainly on the Malecon
In 1985, according to the agreement No 10 of INDERENA and approved by the national government declared the dam as "District Integrated Management and Recreation Area."
Hydroelectric Guatapé
Civil works located in the sector of the Spider, in the municipality of San Rafael at 16km.Guatapé Township, has 8 power generators 7.000kw each entry is through a tunnel of 1980 meters. To enter there you must obtain a permit from Empresas Publicas de Medellin.
The largest pantry country's electricity generation.
Historical Background
The work was conducted in two stages similar characteristics in their collection, generation and transmission, the first of which began in 1964 with infrastructure works and was completed in 1971, when the first entered service units. The second stage began in 1973 and was completed in 1979.
The plant uses hydroelectric Guatapé Nare River which branches off the river Guatapé to exploit a difference in level of 810 meters between the basins, then passes into the vertical shaft of the tunnel driving there to descend to the powerhouse through pressure pipe. This pipeline will open inside the gallery and also serves as an emergency exit and route for air supply to the plant.
The powerhouse is located at 650 meters deep and it is reached through a tunnel of 1980 meters long, which allows the passage of vehicles. Once the water has been used to generate power, leaving the river through the tunnel Guatapé download 4600mts long.
The energy generated at this plant is driven by power lines to the Metropolitan area of Medellin, Colombia for the interconnected system and the Magdalena Medio. The dam has long 1200mts a volume of four million cubic meters and a height of 53mts on the riverbed.
The electrical interconnection system S.A. connecting the generators of Cundinamarca, Valle, Caldas and Antioquia old.
Uptake Torres
Artificial construction within the reservoir. They are constructed of two moles, which communicate with the hydroelectric dam of the Spider, to process energy.
From there the water is led through tunnels to an underground power house near the confluence of the cake with Guatapé river east of the municipality, the power generated is distributed by power lines that cross the municipality.
Located near the mouth of the gorges of the Rosary, and Long Creek in the town of Guatapé.
Since time immemorial, guatapenses immigrants provided the facade of their buildings and striking an indelible stamp, they include images such as lamb, first base is looking back the past, but walking into the future.
Is the element most typical architectural decoration and outstanding. These sockets have a colonial style décor and Spanish religious motifs used in Russia.
This expression was dispersed and took so much strength that earned her the title Guatapé "People of sockets, now has more than 50 different designs, including a dove of peace, when he appeared reservoir sailboats, ships, boats, stone designs arise when people become aware of their membership, among others.
Under the agreement No 1 March 1991 regulations were issued related to the conservation of the sockets, adopting them as features of the identity of Guatapé. They are made of cement material finish and brightly colored decorative relief, preferably enamel, it may not remove existing paint baseboards the same color of the facade.
The Snake Park was created from the construction of the dam in the 70's, with a capacity of 1,200 million cubic meters of water. The park has a height above sea level of 1925m and an average temperature of 18 º C, is located in eastern Antioquia, the snake village, 2 km. before reaching the City of Guatapé. One of the great strengths that have the park roads are as follows:
- Road to Las Palmas: With a distance of about 84km with a natural landscape
- Via Santa Elena, owns approximately 79 km long
- Autopista Medellin Bogota: We offer a tour of about 73km for a semi-industrial landscape.
The Snake Park has an approximate area of 75,000 square meters, consists of two peninsulas called the Culebra (34,000 square meters and 32,000 square meters snake) in them we find:
In the peninsula the snake found:
Parking for 60 vehicles approximately
shuffleboard court
Box office admission control (goal)
Administrative Block (three offices, 1 storage stationery, kitchen, and three medical units)
Spring to provide water services
Restaurant with a capacity for 60 people
Nursery propagation and sale of garden
Water Plant
Battery health (men, women and disabled bathroom) 4 in total, 14 health units
dressing room for employees
Warehouse and workshop painting
Pet Warehouse and chairs
Warehouse stock
Bodega input
outdoor auditorium for 150 people about
indoor auditorium with capacity for 25 people
TV area with capacity for 25 people
Indoor Microfútbol
22 kiosks for 8 or 10 people
broiler 8 (each has available wood burner)
fishing pier 6 (are the only places recommended for our users access to fishing)
Boats stranded 5 (its function is to serve as an observation)
Picnic area (this place is the area and the village guma)
Viborita peninsula nature reserve area, in this place we find the following points of interest
health Blocks 3 (ladies and gentlemen) in total there are 12 health units
14 Kiosks for 8 or 10 people each.
camping area for 10 tents and 60 people)
Area of biological garden (vegetables and worm with an area of 4 square meters º
Area of aromatic garden (about 40 square meters
Parking for 10 vehicles approximately
Both peninsulas are linked by a pedestrian bridge
The entire expanse of the park is crisscrossed by walking trails, where the user can enjoy a day while sight ecological sites such as The Rock of Guatapé, Dam, etc.
In the ecological and atmosphere you can admire a lot of garden, fruit trees and a variety of birds that visit us, for which they have been conditioned feeding or feedlot.
Access restricted. Its hours are Monday through Saturday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Sunday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
The reservoir Its construction caused a total change in the economy guatapenses therefore shifted from farming and ranching to tourism. In the reservoir you can fish for trout, tilapia and carp. Additionally there is practiced all kinds of water sports using the piers and marinas located on the banks of the reservoir mainly on the Malecon
In 1985, according to the agreement No 10 of INDERENA and approved by the national government declared the dam as "District Integrated Management and Recreation Area."
Hydroelectric Guatapé
Civil works located in the sector of the Spider, in the municipality of San Rafael at 16km.Guatapé Township, has 8 power generators 7.000kw each entry is through a tunnel of 1980 meters. To enter there you must obtain a permit from Empresas Publicas de Medellin.
The largest pantry country's electricity generation.
Historical Background
The work was conducted in two stages similar characteristics in their collection, generation and transmission, the first of which began in 1964 with infrastructure works and was completed in 1971, when the first entered service units. The second stage began in 1973 and was completed in 1979.
The plant uses hydroelectric Guatapé Nare River which branches off the river Guatapé to exploit a difference in level of 810 meters between the basins, then passes into the vertical shaft of the tunnel driving there to descend to the powerhouse through pressure pipe. This pipeline will open inside the gallery and also serves as an emergency exit and route for air supply to the plant.
The powerhouse is located at 650 meters deep and it is reached through a tunnel of 1980 meters long, which allows the passage of vehicles. Once the water has been used to generate power, leaving the river through the tunnel Guatapé download 4600mts long.
The energy generated at this plant is driven by power lines to the Metropolitan area of Medellin, Colombia for the interconnected system and the Magdalena Medio. The dam has long 1200mts a volume of four million cubic meters and a height of 53mts on the riverbed.
The electrical interconnection system S.A. connecting the generators of Cundinamarca, Valle, Caldas and Antioquia old.
Uptake Torres
Artificial construction within the reservoir. They are constructed of two moles, which communicate with the hydroelectric dam of the Spider, to process energy.
From there the water is led through tunnels to an underground power house near the confluence of the cake with Guatapé river east of the municipality, the power generated is distributed by power lines that cross the municipality.
Located near the mouth of the gorges of the Rosary, and Long Creek in the town of Guatapé.
Sitios de interés /places of interest
Ubicado en la vereda El Roble a 4Km del casco urbano, a una altura de 2200 mts sobre el nivel del mar. En los tiempos de la independencia se construyeron allí, unos muros de piedra en una semana y sin ningún tipo de herramienta que sirvieron de trinchera al General José María Córdoba y 400 soldados de los municipios de El Peñol, Guatapé y San Rafael, con el objetivo de atacar la columna de Simón Bolívar quien venía con el ánimo de destruirlo, al estar enfrentados por problemas políticos de la famosa República de Colombia, pues Córdoba no compartía algunas de las ideologías de Bolívar y Santander dejando de ser su mejor general para convertirse en su más riguroso enemigo. La estrategia militar planeada por Córdoba en estas trincheras falló porque un soldado lo traicionó contando su plan a la otra guarnición y unos tres o cuatro días después fue asesinado en el municipio de El Santuario por un soldado que estaba bajo el mando del holandés Robert Hands.
Este alto, es un santuario de bromelias por excelencia, en gran parte de su trayecto se encuentran plantas que florecen en los meses de Abril y Mayo, su capullo se levanta de la planta como una gran llama donde se puede observar colores como el amarillo, naranja y rojo.
En su trayecto se encuentran cuevas llenas de musgo, enredaderas, bejucos, cardos, bosques espesos, fauna como: caracoles, pavas de monte, carpinteros, guacharacos entre otros, este sitio permanece húmedo..
Para tener mayor facilidad de acceso a este alto (las trincheras), CORNARE y la acción comunal de la vereda el Roble construyó un sendero ecológico con 1480 mts. de extensión, en todo su trayecto esta adornado por jardines y con plantaciones nativas y secundarias, a lo largo de su recorrido se construyeron kioscos y 5 puentes construidos en madera y un mirador en forma de barco, su recorrido finaliza en las trincheras de Córdova.
Debido a lo alto de este cerro allí se encuentran torres de comunicación de empresas como: EDATEL. , COMCEL, y las de radio y televisión local.
Alto verde
Desde su cima se puede contemplar la panorámica del municipio, por lo cual es considerado un mirador natural.
El acceso a su cima se hace por camino de herradura, ubicado en la parte nororiental de la zona urbana del municipio, contiguo a la urbanización La Pradera.
Alto de la virgen
Ubicado en la calle Jiménez, antigua entrada al municipio de Guatapé, considerado como mirador natural del municipio, de connotaciones religiosas, se encuentra allí la estatua de la virgen del Carmen, patrona de la comunidad. Su acceso se realiza por un sendero en piedra y rodeado de jardines.
Alto el Tronco
Ubicado en la vereda el tronco. Lugar donde se realizaron los primeros estudios sobre la construcción del embalse, allí se encuentra ubicado un túnel a una profundidad de 650 mts. que comunica a este alto con la central hidroeléctrica de Guatapé, con el fin de ejercer un control y estudio permanente al agua que se recoge en las torres de captación.
Laguna el Guamo.
Ubicada entre las veredas de la piedra y la peña, dista de la cabecera municipal a dos horas aproximadamente, se tiene acceso a ella por camino de herradura, es apta para ejercer el camping por su topografía plana, se encuentran allí algunos nacimiento de agua natural y es rodeada de bosques.
Nace en la vereda de Tafetanes jurisdicción del Municipio de San Luis, el cauce de ésta atraviesa la vereda Quebrara arriba, hasta la desembocadura del río nare. Tiene una gran afluencia de agua, debido a que su recorrido está rodeado de una gran variedad de vegetación natural y diversidad de flora y fauna.
Cavernas de la Peña
Ubicadas en la vereda la Peña en la parte noroccidental del municipio, Son grutas naturales de gran profundidad ubicadas cerca de una afloración rocosa de gran magnitud, por el interior de ellas recorre una quebrada. Se supone que fueron labradas por la corriente de ésta, el área de las cuevas es aproximadamente 350 metros cuadrados.
Tienen varias estancias, por ser un lugar frío y oscuro es habitado por murciélagos. Se presume por los dibujos tallados en las rocas que por esta zona vivieron algunas comunidades indígenas, se visualizan símbolos como el sol, la luna, las estrellas y dibujos de animales tallados sobre roca, además han sido encontrados utensilios indígenas por gente de la vereda.
Dentro de esta área se encuentran varias cavernas aptas para la práctica de la espeleología y turismo de aventura.
Alto del Paramo
Located in the El Roble 4Km from the town, at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level. At the time of independence were built there, a stone wall in a week and without any tools that served as a trench to General José María Córdoba and 400 soldiers of the municipalities of El Penol, Guatapé and San Rafael, with the objective to attack the column of Simon Bolivar who came with the intention of destroying it, to be facing political problems of the famous Republic of Colombia, as Córdoba shared some of the ideologies of Bolivar and Santander ceasing to be his best to become their generalmore rigorous enemy. The planned military strategy in these trenches Córdoba failed because a soldier telling his plan to betray the other garrison and three or four days later he was murdered in the municipality of El Santuario by a soldier who was under the command of Dutchman Robert Hands.
This high, is a sanctuary of bromeliads par excellence, in much of its course are plants that bloom in April and May, rising from its cocoon as a great plant called where you can see colors like yellow, orange and red.
In its path are caves full of moss, vines, creepers, thistles, dense forests, wildlife such as snails, Wild Turkeys, carpenters, Guacharacos among others, the site remains wet ..
For greater ease of access to this high (the trenches), and action CORNARE communal village built Oak ecological path with 1480 mts. extension, throughout their journey is adorned by gardens and native plantings and secondary along its length and 5 kiosks were built bridges made of wood and a gazebo shaped like a boat, your tour ends in the trenches of Cordova.
Because the top of this hill there are communication towers from companies such as: EDATEL. , Comcel, and local radio and television.
Alto verde
Was believed to have been an Indian burial ground for vessels and utensils found there a settlement of the tribe Tahami, the ancient inhabitants of this area, these vessels were used for domestic purposes and for work in mining, which were taken by looters in the municipality who came to this hill. These vessels were restored by the University of Antioquia and in them were found human remains that were tightly covered but any treasure. The Tahami would often burn or bury their dead within these vessels in the fetal position creating an urn. By the findings that existed in this high, it is now known as the "Balcony of the Gods"
From the top you can see the overview of the municipality, which is considered a natural lookout.
Access to the summit is by footpath, located in the northeastern part of the urban area of town, adjacent to the urbanization of La Pradera.
Alto de la virgen
Located on Calle Jimenez, former entrance to the town of Guatapé, considered as a natural view of the town, religious connotations, is there a statue of the Virgin Carmen, patron saint of the community. It can be accessed by a stone path surrounded by gardens.
Alto del tronco
Located in the El Roble 4Km from the town, at an altitude of 2200 meters above sea level. At the time of independence were built there, a stone wall in a week and without any tools that served as a trench to General José María Córdoba and 400 soldiers of the municipalities of El Penol, Guatapé and San Rafael, with the objective to attack the column of Simon Bolivar who came with the intention of destroying it, to be facing political problems of the famous Republic of Colombia, as Córdoba shared some of the ideologies of Bolivar and Santander ceasing to be his best to become their generalmore rigorous enemy. The planned military strategy in these trenches Córdoba failed because a soldier telling his plan to betray the other garrison and three or four days later he was murdered in the municipality of El Santuario by a soldier who was under the command of Dutchman Robert Hands.
This high, is a sanctuary of bromeliads par excellence, in much of its course are plants that bloom in April and May, rising from its cocoon as a great plant called where you can see colors like yellow, orange and red.
In its path are caves full of moss, vines, creepers, thistles, dense forests, wildlife such as snails, Wild Turkeys, carpenters, Guacharacos among others, the site remains wet ..
For greater ease of access to this high (the trenches), and action CORNARE communal village built Oak ecological path with 1480 mts. extension, throughout their journey is adorned by gardens and native plantings and secondary along its length and 5 kiosks were built bridges made of wood and a gazebo shaped like a boat, your tour ends in the trenches of Cordova.
Because the top of this hill there are communication towers from companies such as: EDATEL. , Comcel, and local radio and television.
Alto verde
Was believed to have been an Indian burial ground for vessels and utensils found there a settlement of the tribe Tahami, the ancient inhabitants of this area, these vessels were used for domestic purposes and for work in mining, which were taken by looters in the municipality who came to this hill. These vessels were restored by the University of Antioquia and in them were found human remains that were tightly covered but any treasure. The Tahami would often burn or bury their dead within these vessels in the fetal position creating an urn. By the findings that existed in this high, it is now known as the "Balcony of the Gods"
From the top you can see the overview of the municipality, which is considered a natural lookout.
Access to the summit is by footpath, located in the northeastern part of the urban area of town, adjacent to the urbanization of La Pradera.
Alto de la virgen
Located on Calle Jimenez, former entrance to the town of Guatapé, considered as a natural view of the town, religious connotations, is there a statue of the Virgin Carmen, patron saint of the community. It can be accessed by a stone path surrounded by gardens.
Alto del tronco
Located in the village of the trunk. Where the first studies were performed on the construction of the dam, there is a tunnel located at a depth of 650 meters. that communicates with this high hydroelectric Guatape to exercise permanent control and study water collected in the collection towers.
Laguna Guamo
Located between the villages of stone and rock, far from the county seat about two hours, you have access to it by footpath, is fit to carry the camp by its flat topography, there are some natural water birth and is surrounded by woods.
Born in the village of Tafetanes jurisdiction of the municipality of San Luis, the channel it traverses the path upstream, to the mouth of the river nare. Has a large influx of water, because their course is surrounded by a variety of natural vegetation and diversity of flora and fauna.
Caves de la Peña
Located in the village of La Pena in the northwestern part of town, are deep natural caves located near a large rocky outcrop scale, inside of which runs along a creek. It is assumed that they were carved by the flow of it, the area of the cave is about 350 square meters.
They have several rooms, as a cool, dark place is inhabited by bats. It is assumed by the drawings carved into the rocks in this area lived some indigenous communities, are displayed symbols like the sun, moon, stars and animal designs carved on rock, utensils have also been found indigenous people on the sidewalk.
Within this area there are several caves suitable for the practice of caving and adventure tourism.
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